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baugewerbe Produkt des Jahres

PREMO Receives Product of the Year 2024 Award

PREMO Concrete Pressure Monitoring System from Vemaventuri Receives Baugewerbe Product of the Year 2024 Award

On May 17, 2024, the construction industry magazine "Baugewerbe" of WEKA Business Medien GmbH presented awards to the most innovative companies in the construction industry with their products at the Coreum in Stockstadt am Rhein. The jury for the award consisted of readers of "Baugewerbe" magazine, who are experts and specialists in the construction industry. 

The PREMO Concrete Pressure Monitoring sensor solution from Vemaventuri was awarded a prize by the readers in the "Digitalization" category.  

Thanks to precise PREMO pressure sensors and a web application, decision-makers receive real-time information about the concrete pressure acting on the formwork during concreting. This makes it possible to optimize the concreting speed and make optimum use of the formwork system. Installation is simple and operation of the web application is intuitive. The solution is particularly suitable when concreting high walls and columns, when using self-compacting concrete, when concreting from below with concrete pumps and when using single-sided formwork. PREMO Concrete Pressure Monitoring offers advantages over the alternative of measuring the load with anchor sockets on the tie rod: it is carried out directly on the concrete, as the sensors are located in the formlining. When measuring with anchor sockets, it is necessary to convert the load in order to determine the corresponding concrete pressure. Furthermore, with the Vemaventuri solution, the measuring points at different heights are automatically read out and transferred to the web application.

About Vemaventuri

The company with Swedish roots builds the data acquisition platform for the construction industry and as part of the PERI Group, the goal is to use IoT technology to enable data-driven decisions that lead to better results.  

By combining years of experience in construction and concrete with cutting-edge IoT technology, Vemaventuri strives to make working with concrete (and beyond) faster, more efficient and safer, contributing to a sustainable future of construction.  

Learn more about Vemaventuri:  

v.l.n.r. Michel Seeger, Kai Ingmar Link, Moritz Popp